Guoman She
Assistant Professor of Accounting
The University of Hong Kong
Research Interests:
Disclosure, Inter-firm Contracts, Supply Chain
Contact Information:
Contract Contingencies and Uncertainty: Evidence from Product Market Contracts (with Kaiwai Hui, Jun Oh, and Eric Yeung)
Journal of Accounting and Economics, Accepted
Management Science, Accepted
How Government Procurement Shapes Corporate Climate Disclosures, Commitments, and Actions (with Omri Even-Tov, Lynn Linghuan Wang, and Detian Yang)
Review of Accounting Studies, Accepted
Firm Boundaries and Voluntary Disclosure (with Thomas Bourveau, John Kepler, and Lynn Linghuan Wang)
The Accounting Review, 2024
Learning from Peers: Evidence from Disclosure of Customer Complaints (with Yiwei Dou, Mingyi Hung, and Lynn Linghuan Wang)
Journal of Accounting and Economics, 2024
The Real Effects of Mandatory Nonfinancial Disclosure: Evidence from Supply Chain Transparency (Dissertation)
The Accounting Review, 2022
Corporate Disclosure as a Tacit Coordination Mechanism: Evidence from Cartel Enforcement Regulations (with Thomas Bourveau and Alminas Zaldokas)
Journal of Accounting Research, 2020 (Lead article)
Working Papers
Dynamic Collusion, Vertical Competition, and Systematic Risk (with K.C. John Wei and Haifeng You)
ESG Shocks in Global Supply Chains (with Emilio Bisetti and Alminas Zaldokas)
Mandatory Information Exchange, Cross-Border Income Shifting, and the Physical Flow of Tangible Goods (with Travis Chow and Edward Maydew)
Executive Incentives and Strategic Talent Acquisition: Evidence from Poaching (with Matthew Bloomfield, Thomas Bourveau, Xuanpu Lin, and Haoran Zhu)
Tiptoeing Around AI: Job Displacement and AI Disclosure (with Jun Oh)
Shareholder Value Implications of Supply Chain ESG Risk Management: Evidence from Negative Incidents (with Xuanpu Lin, Aaron Yoon, Haoran Zhu)
The Politics of Implementing Bank Reporting Regulation: Evidence from China (with Mingyi Hung, Yi Ru, and Lynn Linghuan Wang)
Public Firm Disclosures, Patent Licensing, and the Diffusion of Technology (with Jinhwan Kim and Kristen Valentine)
Interfirm Collaboration and Accounting Comparability – Evidence from Supply Chains (with Kaiwai Hui and Juanting Wang)